Unlimited licenses per contract organization and 12 hours of coaching or consulting conducted virtually. Additional support such as coaching, consulting, or events start at $275 per hour.
Unlimited licenses per contract organization. Additional support such as coaching, consulting, or events start at $275 per hour.
$499 / month
Unlimited licenses per contract organization and 24 hours of virtual or in-person coaching, consulting, or in-person events per quarter (travel costs additional). Additional support starts at $275 per hour.
$1,199 / month
Engage with the challenges you face in leading your organization and contrast them to common challenges that most leaders face today. This course outlines how the 6P platform can help you successfully navigate those challenges.
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
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The 6P Leadership Platform is designed to help you and your team achieve real supports while earning meaningful support. This course will give you an overview of the platform and help you get started on your development journey.
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All improvement starts where you current stand. This course will help you refresh your perspective on the current state of your leadership and your organization.
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This course orients you to your role: guiding your organization through changing circumstances or generating positive change internally. Change often means loss or significant adaptation for those in your organization. This is your role.
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For you to make meaningful improvements to the leadership you offer to others, you must be clear on what leadership is. This course aids you in engaging with your mindset as to what leadership is so you know how you can improve it.
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Improving your understanding of what leadership is includes being clear as to what it is not. You have likely had experience with bad leadership in an organization. This course examines the top causes for bad leadereship.
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Change agent syndrome is pretty simple: it is when leaders mistake compliance as support and mistakenly think resistance is disengagement. Change agent syndrome can take otherwise good people and make them lesser leaders